Boxes Upon Boxes

Animated On-Chain Generative Art NFTs

Create One of 2222 Unique Art Pieces

About Tinyboxes

A first of its kind Animated Proto-Generative NFT, with SVG art generated 100% on-chain. With customizable options, randomized traits and dynamic render settings, TinyBoxes pushes the bounds of whats possible with NFTs. Our contract has been meticulously optimized to save you gas. We used bit packing to squeeze each tokens data into just 256 bits.

TinyBox tokens mint in 11 phases. Phases are differentiated by there unique color schemes. As a phase is completed, minting is paused, and a countdown to the next phase begins. The countdown length increases by 6 hours with each phase.

A scattering of randomized rectangles brought to life through color, mirroring and animation.






Limited Editions

Early On-Chain

1st Animated On-Chain Generated NFT

SVGs Generated By Smart Contract

Just Read, Save and View


Featuring 26 Unique Animations

Each Finely Crafted To Captivate

Breathing Life To Simple Shapes

Limited Editions

Exclusive Set of 100 Tokens

Select Your Exact Token Art

Redeemable Whenever


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Secondary Market

ERC721 standard NFT - Maximum compatiblity & interoperability

Buy and sell TinyBoxes on any NFT marketplace!

Current Floor:

Metaverse Art Gallery

Checkout the TinyBoxes on display in the On-Chain Art Gallery in Voxels

Hangout with other fans and collectors

Suporting Web3 Ethos

Our entire project is Open Sourced for you to build upon



Verified on Etherscan

Source Code

Open Source MIT License

View on GitHub